The Life and Times of
SFC Michael G. Stahl, USASF (Ret.)
COMMENTS: This was not my first college experience. While at DGSC, my OIC (officer in Charge) was big on education. He "insisted" that I get my GAD and tGED "insisted" I start University of Maryland extension classes at Ft. Lee. I took a public speaking class in 1964. I earned a D. My learning skills and the quality of my professors had much improved by 1971.
MJC was rated the second best junior college in the nation.
When I started college after my medical retirement, my philosophy was that I wanted an education and a diploma was just the proverbial icing on the cake.
That's why I graduated with 75 credit hours instead of the required 60 credit hours. A full load for a regular semester was 12 hours. As you can see, the three in the regular semesters I over-loaded (16 hours, 19 hours, and 16 hours.) The majority of college students avoid taking more hours than required for graduation for two reason:
1. All classes go into the GPA. If a student takes an un-required course and does not do well, his/her GPA will be lowered.
2. In college, approximately 1/3 of the work is done in class and 2/3's is done out of class: required reading, research, term papers, etc. Taking 19 hours instead of 12 amounts to 58% more homework. If the student is not dedicated, this can also result in an erosion of the GPA.